Wednesday, September 20, 2006

For those about to rock...

We salute you!

The 3 peaks is this week end...a bunch of my friends are riding , and I wish them all bon chance.

Marty and myself will be hammering in the Cairngorm at the Aviemore xc event. Should be great, though inclement weather is a possibility...

Now all I need to do is minimise the trail tools, pack some energy spooch and put my 'fast' legs on...


Anonymous said...

And to show solidarity with the 3-peekerz you should stick an extra 30 psi in your tires...

You can leave the pump / tubes / levers sh*t at home if you do that.

I'll ask the TSPC Directeur Sportif to scrutineer... ; ) In fact he'll probably lend you his track pump if you ask politely...

dRjON said...

think i might do that, if i race: pretty extreme nausea/vomit and general leakage today. will see how i go...